
What You Should Know About Proxies

A Proxy is a document that gives the holder the authority to act (vote) for another. The proxy must list the name of the person holding the right to vote, the name of the substitute voter, an authorization (I, John Jones authorize Sam Smith to be my proxy), and the signature and date of the person granting the proxy. If the remainder of the proxy form is left blank, the holder has the right to vote any way they want.

How much are you willing to give? If you want to instruct your proxy voter as to how to use your vote, you MUST write that information on the proxy itself. Once the proxy has been granted, the holder has the right to use it any way they choose. If a motion is made from the floor, and your proxy holder wants to vote for that motion, you just voted for that motion.  

This is why (unless it is truly impossible to attend a meeting) you should always be present when a vote is taken.